
send yer kweschunz 2 daisyspringer at att.net

Today my oaner saw that skwirrels are eating our portch!!!  It is troo.  I saw it.  They put thare stoopid nuts junck on the portch and then chood some of the corners off the top of the portch.  You are a skwirrel expert!!!  What do you thinck I can do???
skwerl wiff nuts junck
  1. paynt yer dekk wiff hot peppah soss
  2. getta kittee... i will mayl yoo sum moor parts
  3. putta kone-shaypt ting onda posts soze da skwerls juss slyde awf it
  4. putta skwerl mummee onna spike 2 skayr dem a way
  5. throw yummee skwerl treets in yer nayberz yard so thay will hang owt ober thare
i hoap dis helps wiff yer skwerl problim.